Onan Generator Service and Parts Manuals

The following manuals are Onan manuals that are useful for finding and ordering parts for your MEP002A or MEP003A. Note that DJE = the Onan engine used in the MEP002A and DJF = the Onan engine used in the MEP003A.

31 thoughts on “Onan Generator Service and Parts Manuals

  1. Ron says:

    after chasing multiple dead ends thinking my onan emerald plus generator might have carbon build up and too stiff to start, just determined I had insufficient amps at starter. Got wiring schematic from Winnebago (very user friendly) and it looks like problem must be at R/V battery disconnect relay. How does it function and can I test it in any way. Generator runs fine using chasis ground side if I supply 12 volts to genetator start switch directly from battery. Any thoughts or do I just replace the battery disconnect relay and hope it works.

  2. gmg says:

    Attempt to flash the unit. Ensure you have good batteries and good connections and good grounds. Your manual should cover flashing.

  3. Tom says:

    I have an Oman generator model number 5.eghem/340. The motor runs great but not generating any electric. I took the cover off where the wires come out of generator and no power to terminals. Based on this is there any common problem to check before taking to a repair facility and spending a huge chunk of cash?

  4. Larry Kappel says:

    Looking for owners manual for my 4.0 RV-LP generator. Model number OBGAL-1RY16013C
    Serial number C843771092


  5. gmg says:

    Sorry, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer of the pump to see what range of serial numbers were used for pumps on that Onan 7000.

  6. gmg says:

    Need to find the nameplate somewhere to find at least what the generic engine is. It could be on the underside of the sheet metal or in the mobile home manual. Sorry, we can’t help more.

  7. Rickie Jensen says:

    I have onan generator in a ’89 Allegro motorhome. I need to get a parts manual for it and get some exhaust and oil filter, etc. But we’re the heck is the I’d on these things? My local trailer repair place us of no help. Thanks

  8. Gail Iverson says:

    Looking or a Service Manual for an Onan Emerald Plus 6300 LP, Model 6.3 NHEFA 63753M, serial number C963495338. Any idea where I could find one or download a copy.

  9. Laurie says:

    Looking for information or manual on service for Onan 15kw 1-3 phase LP/Diesel Generator Serial #880119801, Model 15JCJ31833B

  10. Jack w Caputo says:

    Im helping a friend and the ID Plate ,Model #6.5NHE-1R/26100C and Serial #K870945201,so what Product is this?

  11. Mitch says:

    for solenoids any good starter shop or look in the picture book at Napa to match one up

  12. Andy says:

    Yes I have an Onan DJC generator serial# A800475373 and looking for a solenoid for the starter. Any ideas were to get one?

  13. muhammed hamdi says:

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    there is shutdown fault indication in the control panel of the d/g prevent either manually or automatic operation why

  14. muhammed hamdi says:

    there is fault indication shutdown in the control panel of the d/g prevent either manually or automatic

  15. Louis says:

    Huntington Power Equipment http://www.huntingtonpower.com/.
    Looking to reduce our inventory of Onan and other Generator parts, we are a Generac Dealer and provide service for Gnerac and all other brands. Over the years we have purchased parts for jobs that have been canceled or have made the mistake in ordering the wrong parts. These parts have outgrown our stock needs and we are looking to cut back. We are trying to sell as bulk. Email me for inventory lists and pictures.

    Thank You.

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